Fire prevention just got easier: Innohome and Malmbergs to partner in Sweden
Award-winning Innohome Stove Guards are now more readily available in Sweden as Malmbergs, a leading electric product supplier in the Nordics, broadens their selection with smart fire safety.

We are glad to announce that Innohome has started cooperation with Malmbergs. The cooperation will strengthen Innohome’s position in the Swedish market and make preventive fire solutions more accessible in the Nordic countries.
Malmbergs is a Sweden-based company with the focus on distribution and wholesale of electrical items. The company has subsidiaries in Norway, Denmark, and Finland.
“Product safety and quality are of utmost importance to us. We are happy to have a like-minded company on board,” says Magnus Johansson, product manager at Malmbergs. “An innovative product that helps to keep home safer is a great addition to our selection.”
“Product safety and quality are of utmost importance to us. We are happy to have a like-minded company on board.”
Innohome is a pioneer in fire prevention and a global market leader in stove safety products. More than 50 % of home fires start from the kitchen, and most of those fires could be prevented with the Innohome Stove Guard.
Innohome Stove Guards have been installed in over 400,000 kitchens worldwide. Through the cooperation, Innohome’s patented fire prevention technology will be available in Malmbergs’ stores across Sweden.
We welcome Malmbergs as our Swedish representative with excitement and look forward to working together to serve our customers.
Dödliga elbränder startar från spisen
Felanvändning av spisar och spishällar, är den främsta dödsorsaken i elektriska hembränder. Den förbättrade brandanalysprocessen i Sverige möjliggör myndigheterna att gräva sig djurpare in på huvudorsakerna till bränderna.
Enligt Elsäkerhetsverket dog det mellan 14-18 personer i elbränder i Sverige år 2020. 9-11 av fallen berodde på vårdlös användning av spis och spishällar, och majoriteten av de omkomna var i 70-årsåldern eller äldre.
Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) införde en ny analysprocess och ett nytt register över dödsfall orsakad av eldsbränder år 2020. Det nya registret ger oss en bättre uppfattning för orsakerna bakom dödsbränder. De senaste fynden av Elsäkerhetsverket visar att vårdlös användning av spis är den främsta orsaken till dödsfall i elektriska hembränder.
Bränder som orsakas av dålig utrustning är något som kan minskas genom övervakning och marknadskontroll. Vårdlös användning å andra sidan kräver andra återgärder.
Nordisk brandsäkerhet
Andra nordiska länderna har väldigt liknande problem. T.ex. i Finland har vårdlös matlagning varit den främsta orsaken till bränder i hemmet nu i flera år. För att skydda de mest utsatta kräver Finland nu spisvakt på alla nya spisar och spishällar i äldre- och servicebostäder samt i lägenheter för särskilda grupper.
Norge är en pionjär inom brandsäkerhet, och där har spisvakten varti obligatoriska i alla nybyggda bostadshus sedan 2010. Spisvakter, elektriska brandvarnare och bättre samarbete mellan olika instanser har bidragit till minskad dödsfall orsakat ab bränder med nästan en tredjedel under de senaste tio åren.

Newly appointed Innohome’s Sales Director Jan Henriksson: ”It’s motivating and meaningful to work with products that can save lives”

Innohome is strengthening its position as a provider of fire prevention and safe home charging for EV’s. The company has grown and invested in new product development also during the globally challenging couple of years. We are boosting our sales with a new sales leader. M.Sc. (BA) Jan Henriksson started as a Sales Director in January at Innohome.
”We are delighted that Innohome’s and Jan’s paths crossed. Jan has a versatile background of leading sales in international companies especially in the medical technology industry. We are convinced that Jan’s experience is of benefit also in growing the sales of our products and services. Our mission is to prevent as many domestic fires as possible and thus decrease the human suffering related to fires. Jan plays a big role in fulfilling that promise” says Juha Mört, CEO of Innohome.
Jan has a proven track record of increasing sales in both established companies, such as iCare Finland Oy, as well as start-ups.
“I had a good impression of the company and people in it already beforehand. I am thrilled to become part of this team in a growing Finnish company, which operates with life saving products already internationally. The growth potential is huge, and every device sold is helping to keep people safer in their homes” comments Jan.
”It’s motivating and meaningful to work with products that can save lives” – Jan Henriksson
Jan’s strengths are in building and maintaining a partner network which supports Innohome’s strategy of close partnership with its key customers. His expertise benefits also Innohome’s Management team to which he is appointed of. Jan reports to CEO Juha Mört and leads the Innohome sales team.
We wish Jan warmly welcome to Innohome!
Innohome settles the IPR dispute
Innohome’s core, as also included in the company name, is in innovation and providing fire safety to homes. Since 2005 we have invented devices to prevent the kitchen fires and electrical fires at homes. The significant number of patents granted for our products throughout the years are there to protect our original ideas and product innovations.
Recently, we received another proof of the strength of our IPR as Norwegian Board of Appeal for Industrial Property Rights recognized the validity of Innohome patents in Norway. Norwegian Board of Appeal organization is an independent, court-like, body under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.
Innohome has been in litigation process against one of its competitors, Safera Oy, for several years in the market court of Helsinki Finland. Innohome is proud to announce, that the companies have reached a settlement this month and the dispute is over.
We happily continue the work to improve the fire safety of homes with our own products, as well as through licensing. Approximately 50 % of all home fires start in the kitchen and with Stove Guards most of them could be prevented.
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